Costs and requirements

Your health insurance company supports you!

The costs of the individual fertility therapies vary greatly and depend on the necessary procedure, the different types of health insurance and the chances of success.

Diagnostics are largely covered by health insurance companies, whether public or private.

For an insemination, you can expect to pay between 100 and 500 euros for sonographic cycle monitoring, (possibly with stimulation), and the insemination itself. The costs for medication is usually under 100 Euros.

Artificial insemination procedures are considerably more expensive. Usually, public insurance covers half of the flat-rate costs. The second half of the costs of fertility treatment shall be paid by the couple themselves. Conventional IVF, is currently estimated at around 590 Euros. And for ICSI treatment, the couple has to pay about 780 Euro, as well as 500 to 1500 Euro for the necessary medication.

The statutory health insurance companies support three insemination treatments with hormone stimulation and a maximum of three IVF or ICSI treatments. For these treatments, the couples must be married and the woman must be over 25 and under 40 years of age. The man must also be over 25 years of age and not older than 50 years.

Private insurance companies generally provide at least three inseminations and at least three IVF or ICSI treatments if there is a good chance of success. Further treatments can be approved on an individual basis. Additionally, the couple is typically not required to be married, compared to the public health insurances.

In addition to the classic treatments, such as IVF, ICSI or insemination, we also offer you complementary procedures that are not covered by health insurance.

This is only a rough overview of the costs and requirements of a treatment. You will receive details in your personal consultation.

You will of course, receive the necessary applications and medical expert opinions from us.

Pfeil S E N D   R E Q U E S T
Pfeil I N F O R M A T I O N   E V E N I N G

Leading IVF centre in Stuttgart
Dr. med. D.B. Mayer-Eichberger
OB-GYN (Specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecology)
with a focus on Gyn. Endocrinology
& Reproductive medicine

Opening Hours

from 8am-4pm
from 8am-1pm, and from 3pm-6pm
from 8am-1pm
by phone until 5pm
from 8am-1pm and from 2pm-6pm
from 8am-1pm
by phone until 5pm

Additional appointments by request.

How to reach us

Herdweg 69
70174 Stuttgart
TELEFON 0711 22 10 84
FAX 0711 22 10 85

© Kinderwunschpraxis Stuttgart Villa Haag