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During this treatment, cycle monitoring with ultrasound and hormone examinations are carried out to determine when the the women ovulates. Sexual intercourse should then take place at the optimal time. If necessary, hormonal support is provided.
Prerequisites a continuous fallopian tube for the woman and good sperm quality for the man.
If the sperm function is slightly reduced, insemination treatment can be applied. First, cycle monitoring with or without hormonal support is carried out, then insemination, (i.e. the insertion of the sperm), is carried out at the time of ovulation.
After the sperm have been collected, they are examined in the laboratory and then prepared for treatment. They are inserted directly into the uterus using a thin plastic catheter.
We perform the insemination on an outpatient basis; it only takes a few minutes. It is generally painless and can be performed without anesthesia. Anesthesia is also possible on request.
If a couple turns to us because of medically diagnosed male infertility or as a same-sex (lesbian) couple, there may be an option to use the sperm of an anonymous donor for successful fertilization.
We perform the insemination on an outpatient basis; it only takes a few minutes. It is generally painless and can be performed without anesthesia. Anesthesia is also possible on request.
Leading IVF centre in Stuttgart
Dr. med. D.B. Mayer-Eichberger
OB-GYN (Specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecology)
with a focus on Gyn. Endocrinology
& Reproductive medicine
Opening Hours
Additional appointments by request.
How to reach us
Herdweg 69
70174 Stuttgart
TELEFON 0711 22 10 84
FAX 0711 22 10 85